What UX Researcher portfolio
would be complete without
the "About me"?

Asking "why" is my way of interacting with the world! This is because I have always been fascinated to understand peoples' needs using and to help to build the ideal user experience around those.
Therefore, thriving in the field of User Research was for me a no-brainer.

Although my forte is qualitative research, with a strong focus on interviews and user testing due to my background in cognitive psychology and Human-Computer Interaction, I am quite comfortable with quantitative methods. Also, I love to use design tools (#FigmaBeforeSketch) in order to quickly create and build functional prototypes as soon as possible.

Besides UX, I'm also a fan of a lot of things:
I'm learning to code! Whether front-end via the Odin Project or small games using Godot, learning to do things by myself is a real pleasure!
I play a lot of indie games, and am especially happy with roguelite games :)
I do improv theater, and it is quite frankly one of the things I love doing the most :D

Still here ? Come and say hi on Twitter or Linkedin !

Arthur Abia wearing a beanie